MATERIAL BIDDERS Confirmed to be a Media Partner of Windoor Expo China 2020



“Material Bidders” is an information technology company developing a web-based application at that constitutes a platform for buyers and suppliers of construction materials for a more “efficient”, “transparent” procurement process to get the “right” material. 
The application configuration is capable to expand easily to other markets, regionally and globally, linking buyers and suppliers in other countries of the globe. Multi-national corporations can organize their operations in the different countries through registering their procurement personnel (for buyers) or sales personnel (for suppliers) geographically per market. 

For buyers of construction materials…
Create your company profile and reach thousands of suppliers in building materials industries, locally and globally if you want.
Create your first online tender and increase your chances to find new suppliers in the marketplace, and get the best prices for all materials.

For suppliers of construction materials…
Discover hundreds of opportunities to supply your materials to buyers in your country or globally.
Browse for new tender opportunities to apply for in the construction materials field

Features Achieving the Application Objectives:
Market Visibility/Transparency
-There are new materials in the market almost every day. 
- New Suppliers registering in Material Bidders provide new materials to the market that the buyer’s can access in real time, widening selection options and always keeping fresh updates of the market. 
- That could lead to better prices due to continuous competition, better quality, and more suitable material selection. 
- Price and Quality become the main factors of evaluation
- RFIs / Inquiries as well as the replies to them are seen by all parties in real time for equal opportunity
“RFIs / Inquiries as well as the replies to them are seen by all parties in real time for equal opportunity”

Tendering Process Efficiency
- Speed of inquiries delivery and response to tenderers 
- Availability of notification of deadlines and follow-ups
- Possibility of short listing and having rounds of tenders
- Price classification option
- Managing the procurement department as a whole with different authority levels to each employee in the company
- Possibility of managing the procurement activities of multi-national companies with remote branches
- All procurements/purchases/sales are saved in one place with ease to access history and monitor progress
- Reciprocal assessment of buyers’ and suppliers’ performance leads to better results and more efficiency of the process.
“Time is critical nowadays and efficiency is necessary for successful businesses”

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