ORSIAD Journal Confirmed to be Media Partner of Windoor Expo China 2020

Celebrating its 7th year in the industry, ORSIAD Journal (Forest Industry Businessmen Journal) is the right address to introduce your EVENT to the industry world wide! ORSIAD is a bilingual (English & Turkish) industrial monthly newspaper, published with 20,000 (twenty thousand) copies every month and distributed for FREE worldwide! You can check all of the delivery addresses by clicking http://epazar.orsiad.com.tr/. ORSIAD is the REMARKABLE SOURCE on the internet with strong social media possibilities! The website of ORSIAD www.orsiad.com.tr gets 10,000 visitors per day and has over 19,000 followers on Facebook! ORSIAD attends all industry fairs and events in Turkey and some important ones around the world and DISTRIBUTE FREE copies!