GENIOSIL XT50和GENIOSIL XT55硅烷改型聚醚产品均含有高密度交联性甲硅烷基团,因此能够在固化时形成同时具有高弹性和高强度的密集三维网络结构。用GENIOSIL XT产品配制而成的胶粘剂和密封胶不但强度高,还具有极强的延展性,只有在强大的外力作用下才会撕破,材料即使受损后也不易继续撕裂。
GENIOSIL XT首次为市场提供了能够在技术上完全替代传统聚氨酯基系统的产品选择。这些新聚合物的性能使其尤为适用于必须不断承受高动态负载的应用领域,如车辆的振动和住宅工业化装配中的环境温度变化等。与聚氨酯体系相比,采用GENIOSIL XT配制的产品拥有更广泛的粘合性能,且不含异氰酸酯。
GENIOSIL XT粘度低,因此在低温条件下能够同样具有出色的加工性能。这些粘结剂在使用时,可添加或不添加增塑剂或填料,产品混合物可任意染色,制成的材料根据配方不同可附着于众多常见基材,
环保型胶粘剂用GENIOSILXT 50
GENIOSILXT 50型号的产品以α-硅烷技术为基础,可生产不含锡的胶粘剂,用于环保要求较高的家装内饰领域。其可使产品抗张强度高达约9 N/mm2,抗撕裂强度高达约50 N/mm(ASTM D 624 B-91测量标准)。此外GENIOSIL XT 50在不使用填料的情况下也可被制成具有出色机械性能的,透明而不含锡的最终产品。
GENIOSILXT55 是一种γ-硅烷封端聚醚,用它配制而成的产品根据配方不同,剪切强度在断裂伸长率约为700%的情况下可高达5 N/mm2以上,同时具有高度的抗撕裂强度和回弹性,并可重涂。因此,这种聚合物尤其适用于生产低模量、高回弹性的建筑和工业密封胶,应用于住宅工业化装配和汽车挡风玻璃安装等密封场合。
瓦克 SN醇型防霉硅酮密封胶
瓦克 SN是一款高性能、醇型中性有机硅密封,它具有卓越的防霉防菌能力,通过中国最严苛的防霉测试,达到零级防霉的标准(GB/T 1741-2007),因此尤其适用于建筑结构件与卫生设备之间的所有接缝,以及任何需要防止建筑材料遭遇水的损害和霉菌侵袭的场合。
瓦克的GENIOSIL XT是一种透明的硅烷封端聚合物。用这种新型粘结剂配制而成的材料,固化后能够同时具有高度的抗撕裂强度和弹性。它能够替代传统聚氨酯基系统,用于必须不断承受高动态负载的应用领域。与聚氨酯体系相比,采用GENIOSILXT配制的产品拥有更广泛的粘合性能,且不含异氰酸酯。
瓦克品牌的支装胶VOC含量低,且不含甲乙酮肟,具有卓越的环保性能。瓦克 GM醇型中性硅酮密封胶适用于室内装修,瓦克SN醇型硅酮密封胶达到零级防霉标准。
GENIOSILXT 50 and GENIOSIL XT 55 are based on silane-modified polyethers
with a high density of crosslinkable silyl groups which cure to a tight-mesh
network that is very strong but elastic. Adhesives and sealants formulated with
GENIOSILXT possess high strength. However, they are also highly ductile
and will tear only when subjected to strong forces. Damaged material exhibits
no tendency to tear propagation.
GENIOSIL XT thus represents the first technically equivalent alternative to conventional
polyurethane-based systems. By virtue of their properties, the new polymers are
ideal for applications that are repeatedly subject to dynamic forces, such as vibrations
in vehicles and environmental temperature change in prefabricated houses. Products
formulated with GENIOSIL XT have a broader adhesion spectrum than
polyurethane-based systems and do not contain any free isocyanates.
GENIOSILXT’s low viscosity makes it easy to process at low
temperatures. The binders can be formulated with and without plasticizers or
fillers and blends can be produced in any color. The compounds can be formulated
for adhesion to many conventional substrates such as metals, glass, cement,
glazed tiles, wood, polycarbonate, and polymethyl methacrylate. Priming is
unnecessary. As the polymers are also miscible with all other GENIOSILsilane-terminated polyethers, compounders can vary the properties over a wide
range of formulations. Typical end products are industrial adhesives, liquid
waterproofing systems, and coatings.
GENIOSIL XT 50 for Environmentally-Friendly
GENIOSIL XT 50 is an alpha-silane-terminated polymer and lends itself
to the production of tin-free, environmentally friendly adhesives for interior
decoration purposes. Adhesives can possess tensile strengths of up to 9 N/mm2
and tear strengths of up to 50 N/mm (measured in accordance with ASTM D 624
B-91). What is more, GENIOSIL XT 50 can be formulated without
fillers to make transparent, tin-free end products that have good mechanical
GENIOSIXT 55 for Low Modulus,
High Elastic Sealants
GENIOSIL XT 55 is a gamma-silane-terminated polyether. It can yield shear strengths of
over 5 N/mm2 combined with elongation at break of around 700 percent, the exact
values depending on the formulation. Such formulations are also notable for
their high tear strength and high elastic recovery. The polymer is therefore
ideal for the production of low modulus, high elastic construction and industrial
adhesives of the kind used, for example, in the assembling of prefabricated
house and direct glazing of windshields in the automotive industry.
WACKER GM Alkoxy Neutral Silicone
During Aluminum Windoor & Curtain Wall 2016, WACKER is also
presenting two alkoxy neutral silicone sealants. These WACKER label cartridges
possess excellent environmental features due to low VOC (Volatile Organic
Compound) levels and zero methyl ethyl ketoxime, a possible human carcinogen.
WACKER GM is a one-part, low modulus,
alkoxy neutral silicone sealant with excellent sealing property due to good
adhesion to most conventional substrates, such as glass, wood and tiles (compatibility
test is needed for plastic materials). It has a long shelf life of 15 months. WACKER GM is non-corrosive to metals and therefore can be used for adhesion and
sealing for mirrors. The alkoxy neutral silicone sealant has low VOC (<1%) properties,
is nearly odorless and lacks the smells traditional ketoxime sealants are known
for. It is therefore especially suitable for odor-free interior decoration
WACKER SN Mildew – Fungus Resistant
Silicone Sealant
WACKER SN is a one-part, high performance, alkoxy neutral silicone sealant with
excellent mildew and fungus resistance. It complies with class-zero mould proof
standard of GB/T 1741-2007, the most rigorous test of its kind in China. Thus,
it is particularly suitable for joints of sanitary fittings and areas exposed
to high humidity where protection from water and mildew damage is essential. As
an alkoxy neutral sealant, WACKERSN is odourless and is
characterized by low VOC levels (<1%).
Visit WACKER at Aluminum
Windoor & Curtain Wall 2016, Booth 6B02.
from WACKER is a transparent silane-terminated polymer. The new binder makes it
possible to produce materials that are extremely tear-resistant and at the same
time highly elastic. It is an alternative to conventional polyurethane-based
systems for applications that repeatedly subject them to dynamic forces.
Products formulated with GENIOSI XT have a broader adhesion
spectrum than polyurethane-based systems, and do not contain any free
isocyanates. (photo: Wacker Chemie AG).
WACKER label cartridges possess excellent
environmental features due to low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) level and
methyl ethyl ketoxime. WACKERGM alkoxy neutral silicone
sealant is ideal for interior decoration purposes, while WACKER SN
alkoxy neutral silicone sealant complies with class-zero mildew proof standard.
(photo: Wacker Chemie AG).